Oakland Township in compliance with the Uniform Construction Code, Act 45 of 2004, requires Building Permits, however, there may be a few exceptions.
Certain construction projects that are exempted from the Uniform Construction Code may still be required to be assessed by the Butler County Assessment Office.
An assessment is a percentage of the market value of your property against which tax millage is applied. The Butler County assessment office set the values and maintain the assessment records for our growing county. The staff works directly with local municipalities and tax collectors to keep the information up to date.
Home improvements that are assessed:
The following are some examples of improvements that will increase your property assessment & resale value:
Creating additional living space
Renovating an unfinished basement or attic
Adding an extra bath, porch, deck or patio
Adding a garage
Outbuildings or sheds over 10 x 10 and/or are permanently affixed to the ground
Complete modernization and conversion of a home
Improvements to any real property, other than painting of or normal regular repairs to a building, aggregating more than $4,000
** For any of these types of projects, please stop in to the Oakland Township office to fill out and submit the following:
Remit fees based on fee schedule
Home improvements that are not assessed:
The following are a list of normal maintenance & repair jobs you can do to your property without increasing your assessment:
Painting-outside or inside
Repairing & replacing existing masonry
Replacing plumbing & light fixtures
Replacing a roof
Residential Paving
Residential Fencing​
Agricultural Structures
Garages less than 1000 square feet
Decks lower than 30 inches from the ground