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Gas & Oil Leases

Oil and gas development is permitted in the Township subject to certain limitations and restrictions.


Here is a brief overview:


  1. Application and Permits are required. The Township will require a narrative of the project including the number of acres involved, the number of wells to be drilled, and the location of structures.

  2. Contact information of the individuals responsible for the operation and activities. This information will be shared with our emergency responders.

  3. Location maps showing the location of drilling rigs and structures and the area to be developed.

  4. A narrative and map showing the transportation routes for the delivery of equipment, water, chemicals, etc.

  5. Bonding permits for all township and state roads.

  6. A descriptive plan of safeguards, including a copy of the operation’s Preparedness Prevention and Contingency Plan and a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals used.

  7. An orientation and training course for our Emergency Responders shall be provided at the developer’s expense at least 30 days prior to drilling.


The following wells are listed as active in Oakland Township and our surrounding townships as of 05/2019.  For updated information, please visit:


The Township was notified of these well pads because they are being drilled within 3000 feet of the municipality. Copies of the Notifications are at the Township Office and can be viewed during normal operating hours.The Oakland Township Supervisors has received notification of the following CONVENTIONAL well drilling operations:

565 Chicora Road ~ Butler, PA  16001

phone: 724-287-8067

fax: 724-287-3979

All Content © Oakland Twp.

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