Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management Planning.
Review Stormwater Management Ordinance. Oakland Township adopted the County’s Stormwater Management Plan. If your driveway or land development is more than 2000 square feet, a Stormwater Management Plan is required. You will need to contract the services of an engineer to develop your plan and submit the required forms to the municipality. Please note that the Ordinance provides for costs incurred by the municipality to be passed onto the land developer.
Act 167 was originally adopted by the Commonwealth in 1978 but was considered by most counties as an unfunded mandate and largely ignored. The Rendell Administration provided implementation funds to various counties in 2008 and Butler County used those funds to develop and adapt a storm water plan. All municipalities within Butler County were required to adopt the proposed plan as well.
Instances of Earth disturbance that may affect storm water runoff are subject to the regulation of this Ordinance. These “regulated activities” include (but are not limited to) land development, subdivision, construction of new buildings and diversion of piping or any natural or man-made stream channel.