Variance Procedures
What is a Variance? A variance is a form of relief that is granted when the application of a Township Ordinance
results in peculiar or unusual practical difficulties to a property owner. The Board of Supervisors may grant a variance if it concludes that strict enforcement of this ordinance would result in unnecessary hardships for the applicant. The Board of Supervisors in granting a variance shall ensure that the spirit of the ordinance is maintained, public welfare and safety are ensured, and that justice is done fairly for all parties.
Road Frontage Variance:
Oakland Township requires 150 feet of road frontage on newly subdivided parcels. Relief from this mandate can be granted if the resident requests a variance and can prove that our Ordinance requirements cause a particular or unusual practical difficulty.
Road Frontage Variance Procedures Road Frontage Variance Application
Set Back Variance:
Oakland Township requires that any newly constructed buildings should be 60 feet from the Township right-of-way. This means on a 33′ right-of-way buildings should be 76 1/2 feet back from the center of the road and 15 feet from all other property lines. On a 50 foot right-of-way, buildings should be 85 feet back from the center of the road and 15 feet from all other property lines.
If a resident can prove that these policies cause undue hardship, they can grant a variance.
Set Back Variance Procedures Set Back Variance Application
Information regarding State Road Setbacks/Right of Ways can be found here.